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About Southhills TVET Institute Libraries

Southhills TVET Institute has a library that has been set up to provide innovative information services and conducive learning spaces for our students and sta. The library is designed to be a vibrant, inviting environment for collaboration, networking, private study and reection. We oer a full set of Information Resources to support your studies. Our cutting-edge informational technology infrastructure means that students also have access to virtual learning spaces; along with online databases that provide access to the resources of the broader Southhills TVET Institute library and those of other higher education institutions across South Africa. In addition, speak to your librarian about the Academic Support Sessions we oer at Southhills TVET Institute – in the form of database training and academic writing, research and referencing workshops. Contact your campus librarian for more information.

Loans & renewals

Lending privileges:  Students may borrow 3 items for 2 weeks and can renew each item twice, unless someone else has requested the item. Borrowed items may be renewed twice unless requested by another patron. Renewals can be done online, in person at the library or telephonically. All items must be returned to the circulation desk. That includes interlibrary loan items. Reserving: Reservation of books is free of charge and unlimited. Fines: Fines are charged for overdue books at R10 per item per day for open shelf items, and R10 per hour on short loan items. Lending privileges are suspended when a student refuses to pay a ne. If an item has been lost or damaged, and placement value will be payable to the library. 

Interlibrary loans: Southhills TVET Institute is part of AIIHE (THE AFRICAN INDEPENDENT INSTITUTE OF HIGHER EDUCATION). This free service allows books, research papers, and other materials that aren’t available on your campus to be requested from various higher education institutions across the country. These interlibrary loans are intended to support the academic research needs of Southhills TVET Institute sta and students. Each campus librarian processes and requests all material on behalf of the campus. All Sabinet-requested material is delivered and collected at the library. Due dates for interlibrary loan materials vary per lending institution.

Computer Bookings

Library computers are in limited supply and must therefore be booked at the circulation desk. Please see your campus librarians or visit the library webpage to reserve a PC at your campus.

Recommending A Book

Southhills TVET Institute sta members can recommend a book for purchase by completing an online recommendation form. Book acquisitions are subject to approval by the National Librarian.

Help And Support

A range of support services exist for all students and sta of Southhills TVET Institute. Your simplest solution is to visit your library’s circulation desk
for face-to-face assistance.


Academic Support

Throughout the year, Southhills TVET Institute librarians provide training and guidance to students with regards to digital, information and general academic literacy. Practical workshops are timetabled to ensure that students acquire vital skills that will contribute towards their success at Southhills TVET Institute and beyond. These include:

  • Effective assignment research
  • Correct referencing
  • Plagiarism
  • Database training (e.g., EBSCO, Juta stat and Sabinet).

Speak to your librarian about these optional sessions, or learn more about the specics of our academic support, skills development and training here.

Academic Support

Southhills TVET Institute librarians are actively involved in ensuring that students are responsible, digitally literate online citizens. In other words, that they know how to use technology to gather and convey information in a respectful, legally compliant way. These are essential skills in an age where ideas are a major asset. 

There are nine aspects to Digital Citizenship: access, responsibility, security, safety, etiquette, commerce, communication, rights and education. 

Learn more about digital citizenship sites here:

Training programme

Librarians oers a wide range of individual/group training sessions with the main focus on enhancing the information and digital literacy skills of all Southhills TVET Institute students and sta. These workshops can include everything from basic library orientation to search skills and more advanced information retrieval strategies. To arrange a session, consult your campus librarian


We use the Harvard method of referencing at Southhills TVET Institute. Failure to accurately acknowledge sources used in your assignments could result in a charge of plagiarism – Southhills TVET Institute uses the Turnitin software to detect plagiarism – and/or possible disciplinary action. However, correct referencing is no as dicult as it seems. Librarians provide training workshops and individual sessions on correct referencing practices. Speak to your campus librarian for assistance.

Information management apps and online tools:

Librarians can point you to various apps, sites and online programmes that will help you minimise hassles when completing assignments.

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